Category: Health and Fitness

Health and fitness.

How Endoscopic Facelift is Performed

No one looks the same always. As you continue with various activities, you experience effects of gravity, exposure to the sun leading to the sagging of your facial skin and formation of wrinkles. The procedure has been a renowned cosmetic procedure to give people a younger look and rejuvenate the appearance of their skin. To […]

Rhinoplasty: The Most Difficult Plastic Surgery To Perform

Plastic Surgeons perform many different types of procedures from tummy tucks to breast augmentation but ask any reputable plastic surgeon, particularly one board certified and you will find a consistent agreement that Rhinoplasty, the reshaping of the nose for aesthetic reasons is by far the trickiest plastic surgery procedure they perform. Why is Rhinoplasty so […]

Why You Need An HGH Prescription

Human growth hormone therapy was once prescribed only for children with HGH deficiency and severe growth issues. Now, it is often referred to as a “fountain of youth” for older individuals and has become popular among those struggling with weight loss, hormone imbalances, and other conditions. But did you know that you need an HGH […]

Get Ripped: Your Ultimate Guide for A Ripped Body

Image Source: Ever dreamt of building a raw muscular body like Hugh Jackman in Wolverine or to sculpt the sexy body of Angelina Jolie like in Tomb Raider? If yes, then you are in the right place. This article will guide you to some solid exercise tips to an ultimate ripped body. 1.   […]

Low Carb and Keto Food List [Printable]

With the new year comes new resolutions. If your resolution is to get on track with the foods you consume, the ever popular low carb or keto diet is a great place to start. As you embark on your food journey to improve your eating habits and overall health, think of healthy fats and proteins. A […]

6 Tips to deal with Dental Anxiety

Image Source The fear and anxiety about going to the dentist is a serious issue for millions of people. This fear is extremely detrimental causing people to avoid dentist appointments making the situation worse. It’s a problem, not only among children but even adults fall into this category. To overcome your dental anxiety, you need […]

How tight should a waist trainer be?

Most of us want to look slim with the ‘hourglass’ figure, but who has the time to spend on diets and cardio? There is an unexpected party or something of the sort where your appearance matters, what to do? It is here that a waist trainer comes to your rescue. A waist trainer gives no […]