Rhinoplasty: The Most Difficult Plastic Surgery To Perform

Rhinoplasty: The Most Difficult Plastic Surgery To Perform

Plastic Surgeons perform many different types of procedures from tummy tucks to breast augmentation but ask any reputable plastic surgeon, particularly one board certified and you will find a consistent agreement that Rhinoplasty, the reshaping of the nose for aesthetic reasons is by far the trickiest plastic surgery procedure they perform.

Why is Rhinoplasty so difficult?

Essentially, when a plastic surgeon does cosmetic work on the nose, the body is not smart enough to distinguish the work is being done to make you more pleasing to yourself and others. Instead, the body interprets the procedure as a broken nose and broken or damaged cartilage, and it works vigorously to repair the perceived damage.

Consequently, not only for months but even years after the surgery, the body is continuing to react to the effects of the surgery, and if the physician hasn't done his job in anticipating how the body will react, a nose that looks aesthetically pleasing three months after the surgery can look shriveled or twisted within five or 10 years.

Early Nose Jobs

Plastic surgery for the nose became popular as far back as the 1960s, and the results, while often dramatic, were rather crude. Surgeons went into the nose with instruments and chipped away at the bone and cartilage. Each surgeon had his own technique and the result to both doctors and patients were so-called "signature noses." Friends of the patients sometimes remarked, "Oh I see you went to Dr. Carter for your new nose, isn't he fabulous?"

Of course, few people recognized that Doctor Carter's signature nose did not look the best on every patient, nor did it take in account their ethnicity nor the natural shape of the nose, to begin with.

Later, in the 1980s, doctors began to make incisions between the nostrils and, therefore, had a little more control over the procedure. However, even then, doctors quite often failed to recognize the thinning of the skin as their patient aged and consequently, a nose that looked good in 1990 may have looked shriveled by the year 2000.

Warning signs of difficulty

So challenging is cosmetic surgery on the nose that researchers continue to warn doctors in the pre-operative stage to evaluate their patients correctly and to predict the degree of success of the operation as well as the expected degree of the procedure. Savvy doctors recognize the signs of these green light and red light patients and make every effort to give them realistic expectations as what he or she is likely to undergo in the cosmetic transformation.

Psychological Problems

A good plastic surgeon has to be very alert to his patient's state of mind as well. Is he or she a difficult case for a cosmetic reshaping of the nose? Has he or she undergone numerous plastic surgeries before? Does he or seem fully capable of understanding the full weight of the procedure they are contemplating undergoing, not only for the immediate moment but for the long term? If not, the doctor would be well advised to postpone or even reject the surgery for the future.


How do you recognize a reputable plastic surgeon from one that's not? Well, you can't be 100 percent positive, but one of the signs of either a beginning, overconfident plastic surgeon or a flat out dishonest one is to bypass or skip the subject of do-overs.

Even the best plastic surgeon will apprise you to the fact that cosmetic surgery to the nose has the highest re-do rate of any of the procedures your doctor performs. Even the best of plastic surgeons have a do-over rate of 15-20 percent. do-over. The sheer unpredictability of the way your body reacts to the initial surgery is the reason this is by far the most difficult plastic surgery procedure.

Happy Results

But don't let the do-over rate scare you. By far the overwhelming percentage of potential cosmetic surgery patients are thrilled with the psychological and emotional boost to their overall self-esteem from the procedure. And that includes those who are subject to an unfortunate do-over.

People who have had aesthetic work on their nose are in general a plastic surgeon's dream, please as punch by the results.

Choosing a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon

I hope this brief blog has given you insight, not only to difficulties of the procedure but how much you as a patient, rely on the doctor's knowledge to predict how your body will react to the procedure over time. To put it in simple terms, this is not the time to select an inexperienced doctor dabbling in plastic surgery, nor a doctor that has an in and out mentality toward his patients. Cosmetic surgery is never a laughing matter but here, in particular, you want the highest degree of professionalism and experience.

Dr. Andres Bustillo

In the Miami area, Doctor Andre Bustillo, a board certified facial plastic surgeon with over 15 years of experience is the doctor I recommend for your initial consultation and if he gives you the go-ahead, your surgery.

Doctor Bustillo prides himself on his conservative approach to Rhinoplasty, and during his consultation, he will not shy away from saying "you don't need cosmetic surgery on your nose" if he honestly feels that's the case.

Performing over 300 cosmetic surgeries a year on the nose alone, Doctor Bustillo is not some eager-beaver physician trying to drum up business to pay their student loans. He is a consummate professional.

Doctor Bustillo not only performs plastic surgery on patients but teaches others how to perform his transformational yet conservative brand of plastic surgery.

Doctor Bustillo has consistently been rated as a top plastic surgeon in the Miami area and among both his patients and colleagues, he has a stellar reputation.

If you’re in need of a nose job specialist in South Florida, please visit Dr. Bustillo.