The three Doshas in Ayurveda

The three Doshas in Ayurveda

Perhaps most of you have heard at least once in your life about Ayurveda, some of you may know in depth what it is. And for those of you who are not very familiar with what Ayurveda is, here are a few words about what this term stands for. Ayurveda is an ancient medicine with history of more than 5,000 years, which originates from India, and is believed to have been developed by a group of monks seeking salvation from early death and illnesses. With the help of the Supreme Divine Wisdom, they have been able to preserve the knowledge in records (the so-called sutras) that will lead us to a healthy, fulfilling and long life. In translation from Sanskrit, Ayurveda literally means "science of life," and this science of life has a lot to offer to the Western modern-minded man. Conceptually the Ayurvedic medicine differs dramatically from the methods of treatment known in Western allopathic medicine. Basically, Western physicians are trying to apply their knowledge to treat a specific symptom, while the Ayurveda doctors directs all their efforts to identify the cause of the disease and cure it. Moreover, the Ayurvedic medicine considers that the onset of the disease in a very large percentage of the cases is psychosomatic, i.e. the onset of a disease at the physical level is a reflection of a problem in emotions and psyche. In other words, here applies the saying "Healthy spirit - healthy body". The energy according to Ayurveda The three Doshas in Ayurveda Everything in our visible world is energy turned into matter, and according to Ayurveda, everything that is visible to us is made up of 5 elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. When the five elements that give life begin to unite in the human body, they form the three energies known in Ayurveda as Doshas – Pitta (fire + water), Vata (space + air), Kapha (water + earth). Each of us has these three energies, which manifest themselves in different degrees, for example, in some people the Pitta energy is more developed, while in others Kapha is more increased, and so on. The different predominant energies in us also determine our individual characteristics, but also the unique proportion of the energies is important, so the person can be healthy. According to Ayurveda, the main cause of disease development is an imbalance in the three doshas, and when they are in equilibrium, one is healthy, happy and energetic. When you have a doubt about the existence of a disease, you should consult an Ayurveda doctor who, through a pulse diagnosis, will determine what the balance of your doshas is and whether the energies in you are harmonious or you need to balance a specific energy. Here is some information about the three doshas:
  • Vata dosha is the energy responsible for movement, breathing, blood circulation, rhythm of the heart;
  • Pitta dosha is the energy that is responsible for metabolic processes in the body - such as digestion, body temperature, the way we absorb the food; this energy is associated with the element fire;
  • Kapha dosha is the energy related to growth, the element of earth and water, and it is responsible for processes related to hydration, immune defense and bone structure.
To determine your dosha/constitution there are many tests even online, it is important to know only some basic features through which you can better determine yourself:
  • Vata dosha - people with this constitution are often thin, elongated, without well-developed muscles, the skin is dry, tends to have wrinkles, the hair is thin and grows slowly, and they are prone to overeating; as temperament are extremely chattering, inconsistent, chaotic, impatient, slightly arrogant, love to prove themselves in dispute, extremely clever, but quickly forget. The three Doshas in Ayurveda
  • Pitta dosha - people with this predominant energy are thin or with moderate body, warm and soft skin, but rather greasy, the hair is strong, shiny, they have flexible joints, good digestion, but they do not tolerate hunger and thirst; as a temperament they are good and honest, want to be leaders, tend to analyze in a dispute, at times they are outrageous, they have a competitive spirit, trustworthy, respect their word, they are not distracted.
  • Kapha dosha - the representatives of this constitution are with a medium to large body structure, with highly developed muscles, their skin is soft, smooth, without wrinkles, the hair is dense and very strong, they have good digestion and can easily cope in conditions without food and water; they are distinguished with great patience, diplomacy, they do not show their true emotions, they do not explode, they can be lazy and difficult to be motivated.