Want to work like the creatives do and breeze through whatever life throws at you while at work? If yes, then ensure you have all the necessary items on your office desk.
Having the right items on your desk will significantly reduce the time you spend moving around to borrow or pick them. It also boosts your productivity as you’ll have everything you need, thus giving you more time to focus on the job at hand and work towards achieving perfection.
If you just started a new office job and have no idea what to bring with you, here is a list of top ten must-have items that will transform your desk into a cozy, little piece of heaven.
1. Stationary Organizer
If left lying around on your desk, pens, pencils, erasers, paper clips, scissors, rubber stamps, or files tend to clutter up your working space, thus demoralizing you. Therefore, ensure you keep them well organized by buying a stationary organizer. For the files, get yourself an excellent file organizer while for the rest of the office items, invest in a colorful holder.
Nowadays, pencil, pen, and file holders come in an array of designs and shapes which means you not only get a well-organized desk, but you can also stand out by going for unique designs. For instance, if you are an animal person instead of the regular shaped pencil and pen holders you can invest in a colorful one that is shaped like your favorite animal and say goodbye to stationary clutter.
2. A Nice Reusable Water Bottle
Hydration is vital if you are to survive eight hours of being hunched over your desk staring at a computer screen. Being well hydrated is not only good for your body but also for your brain, which is subjected to long hours of critical thinking. Water can be boring! Spice it up by throwing in a few pieces of frozen fruits such as kiwi or pineapple.
Make it more refreshing by adding frozen cucumber and mint in your bottle. This will make it less boring, and at the same time, you will get the much-needed hydration. But for that to happen, you need to invest in a quality water bottle which should always be on your desk.
3. Rubber Stamp
Even though computers are slowly reducing the need for stationary in the office, rubber stamps are here to stay!
These stamps have a definite spot in the 21st-century office as they still have a long string of applications. To sum it up, they are among the office must-haves that you need to include on your shopping list.
To ensure yours never leaves your desk, you can get it customized. For instance, have your name engraved.
4. Personalized Mug
As much as we hate to break the news to you, the sooner you know, the better! In most offices, people have the habit of eating other people's lunches and drinking out of any mug that they come across! If you hate sharing such items, get yourself a beautiful, personalized mug that screams you even when you forget it at the office sink.
This way you will avoid hearing the “I didn’t know it was yours” excuse by having a mug that never leaves your office desk and at the same time, one that displays your personality.
5. Mug Warmer
While purchasing your personalized mug, don't forget a mug warmer. At times you can get so caught up by work that your cup of Morning Joe coffee or tea ends up going cold. Get yourself a quality mug warmer, so you don't have to go through the distress of taking lukewarm coffee or tea.
6. A Notebook
A notebook is also among desk items you can’t do without. It comes in handy as you can write down your to-do list, ideas that strike you out of the blues, people’s numbers, and some of the tasks you need to accomplish as soon as possible. Ensure you invest in one!
The good bit is that they come in a diverse array of designs and you can opt for one that fits your personality.
7. Cord Organizer
Cables can make a space look all cluttered up. Also, they tend to tangle up forcing you to rummage through a cable jungle whenever you need to charge your phone or connect your laptop to the power source. To prevent such a mess, invest in a quality cord organizer.
8. Calendar
Yes, you have one in your smartphone but ensure you have one on your desk. A calendar makes it easy for you to mark out important dates and set an appointment for clients effortlessly based on your schedule that week or month. Furthermore, it gives you a chance to display your personality or remind you of important days in your life as you can have it customized with pictures of things or people you love.
9. A Wireless Charger
Having your charger makes life quite easy, and a
high tech wireless one makes it even easier. You not only forget about plugging phone chargers to your socket, but you also reduce the number of cables on your desk. It is an incredible desk gadget as you also don’t have to keep on fiddling with cables whenever you want to check your phone or pick a call as all you need to do is pick it and then plop it back on the charger.
10. Keyboard or Laptop Stand
If your job involves sitting behind a computer or laptop screen, then a keyboard or laptop stand is of the essence. This is because even a few days of being hunched over these screens can seriously mess up with your spine and might also result in conditions like the carpal tunnel syndrome. To ensure it doesn't get to this, get yourself a
laptop or keyboard stand so it can raise your screen to a better viewing angle and thank us later.
Make Your Office Desk Work-Friendly
Heading to your office desk every morning knowing it’s fully equipped with all you need is quite a good feeling.
Head to our page for more tips on how to make your desk more work-friendly.