What if summer was secretly terrifying?
This is meant to be a season of rest and relaxation. However, parents wanting to spend quality time with family this summer may struggle to come up with fun things to do. You may end up with family wanting to kill you instead of bond with you!
So, how can you get the whole family together and actually give them something awesome to do? Keep reading to discover some ideas!
1. Summer Project
Summer is usually the season when you take on some kind of major project. Maybe you're putting up a new fence or starting a garden.
Whatever you're doing, you should get the whole family involved. This is especially effective if you are
trying to fix something because the shared struggle helps to bring everyone together.
Kids, in particular, get a big kick out of seeing how things are put together and how they can help fix things. And if your kids are very technology-minded,
check out this page for some products that can bring electronic projects to life.
2. Walk Around the Neighborhood
How well do you and your family actually know your neighborhood?
Many of us are guilty of ignoring most of the neighborhood. We drive to work, drive back, and then start the whole cycle again.
Walking around the neighborhood is a fun way of spending more time with family. It helps you discover new surprises together and maybe even make some new friends.
If you want things to be both convenient and healthy, try to time these neighborhood walks for after dinner. You'll be burning calories together and boosting your digestive health.
3. Dates with the Whole Family
This next one is more of a technique than a singular idea. But here goes: you need to start thinking of these family activities as dates with the whole family.
Imagine when you first started dating your partner. Chances are that your activities were exciting and had a ton of planning before the date ever happened.
Most attempts at quality time fizzle because they are hastily-thrown together. The planner may not have considered what everyone's interest are and what they would find engaging.
So, it's time to throw that old dating zeal behind every planned activity. Treat this as what it is: one of your only chances to bring your family closer together!
4. Regular Reading
Not everyone files "reading" under "exciting activities." However, reading together regularly is an amazing family bonding activity.
Try to set aside a certain period of time each day (such as 30 minutes) where you and your family read books. Make this a device-free and distraction-free time.
After the 30 minutes pass, you can talk about what you've been reading. Family members will be excited to learn about what each other has been reading and may be able to provide additional insight into these stories.
Just think of this like an informal book club where you don't even have to leave the house. And as a bonus, this really promotes
early childhood literacy!
5. Explore Nearby Towns
Ever wonder why we like to travel so much? For many people, the answer is simple: you feel like you've done everything there is to do in your own town.
The answer to this conundrum is very simple, of course. You and your family should try to explore another town close by!
There are likely to be amazing restaurants, museums, and libraries less than 30 minutes from your house. And your family will look at these things with the fresh eyes that come from doing something for the first time.
Who knows? You may discover something so great it becomes a new part of your family ritual!
6. Take Pictures Together
Parents often bemoan that technology is disrupting their family bonding time. But what if technology could help your bond grow stronger?
One of our favorite family tips is to spend time taking pictures together. And this is easier than ever because everyone's phone doubles as a camera.
Everyone can embrace their own photography style. Maybe your partner likes to take nature photos and your kids like to take silly selfies.
So, take your pictures together and then share them with the world via social media. Let your kids see what the reactions are to their photos and they'll want to do this activity over and over again!
7. The "Staycation"
Earlier, we talked about exploring nearby towns when you think there's nothing left to do in your own town. However, there is always one option in your own town:
a nice "staycation!"
Even if it's just for a weekend, it can be fun to check your family into a local nearby hotel. Ideally, this will be a hotel that offers various amenities such as a swimming pool.
This works well as a bonding activity because it helps all of you feel like you are discovering a new part of your town. Furthermore, nobody will feel put out because staying at a hotel means that everyone will be pampered the entire time.
8. Cooking Together
Cooking is more popular than ever before. Youtube abounds with "how to" cooking videos, and our TV shows are filled with celebrity chefs putting together amazingly yummy dishes.
Despite all that, most families only have one person doing the cooking. This summer is your chance to change all of that!
You can turn cooking into a full activity that requires everyone's help. This may range from researching tasty new dishes to shopping for ingredients to actual food preparation.
The end result is a meal that will taste that much better because everyone feels like they helped. And once the whole family has mastered cooking, everyone can take turns preparing family dinners!
Quality Time With Family: The Bottom Line
Now you know more about tips for spending quality time with family. But do you know where you can get more great ideas for family activities?
At Show Me the Blog, we bring a steady stream of content that will bring you happiness and health. To start planning your next major family event, check out our guide to making a
photo scavenger hunt!