Starting your own plumbing business is really more of an art form. In order to be successful, you need to go through a number of different steps and be prepared for some surprises. With that said, there are several tips that any experienced plumbing company can offer to anyone getting their business off of the ground. For example, ESCO Heating, AC, Plumbing & Electric has been in business for quite some time and know their way around things like business promotions and advertising. Here are what they have to say to new companies in the field:
Advertise Your Company
In order to get new clients, you have to advertise. No one will know that your business exists if you don’t. This means that you’ll have to determine exactly where your target niche spends their time. Do they use social media? If so, which platforms? Do they read the newspaper or watch certain television shows? If they do, then you can reach them through some targeted advertisements. On top of this, there are other unusual methods of advertising that some companies don’t think of, like sponsoring youth sports teams, donating to local historical societies, and, of course, placing your logo and contact information on all of your company vehicles.
Develop a Business Plan
Every business needs a plan. This means that you must sit down and work through every step of the process. Business plans include things like what we mentioned above – the target clients – as well as methods of expansion, exactly what you want your business to focus on, and ideas for growth. Without a well thought out business plan, you’re essentially wandering around “blind” and changing tactics on a regular basis. If you have a plan, then you know which steps that you need to take in order to meet your goals.

Choose a Catchy Logo
Believe it or not, your business’ logo matters quite a bit. The logo is what catches people’s eyes. It needs to stand out from the others, while at the same time, making what your company does very clear. At first glance, people need to know that you’re running a plumbing company. Ideally, they’ll see your logo and keep your company in mind when they next need a plumber. That’s how the process is supposed to work. If your logo doesn’t stand out, then this will never happen.
Focus on Your Website
These days, according to the expert plumbers at ESCO Heating, AC, Plumbing & Electric, every business needs a website that’s informative. The first thing that many people do upon needing a plumber or even hearing about your company is Google it to find out more information. The issue here is that they don’t want to spend a lot of time looking for these details. They want it all available at their fingertips. Your website needs to comply with this, so don’t be afraid to spend some time getting one professionally done. It will more than pay for itself over time.