Smart Apps: Poster Children Of Mobility For Upstream Petro Companies

Smart Apps: Poster Children Of Mobility For Upstream Petro Companies

Raising the bar for digital economies in the natural gas sector

In the last three years’ mobile apps have been shaping the revenue streams of several enterprises. The good app-based structure is also fuelling the prospects of upstream crude-oil production. However, the UX is dull compared to the wide number of apps being introduced. Thumbing off and hard cognitive efforts make them unfriendly to the untrained field crew. This the leading problem of many oil companies being slow in its adoption. The trend for mobility, oil and gas sector’s app-based models for strategic planning is dependent on synergies between the human resources and tools they use. Then only will they be able to raise the bar?

Things are changing and with awareness, the E & P sector is seeing better functionality of mobile apps. Embracing the new systems in the back office and on-field operations is critical, as this content explains the benefits.

Resource Management, Portfolio Expansion With Mobility

Most workers on the rig field should ideally be equipped with mobile devices and also trained to use the apps that lead the operations to their success. Empowering them with the training also makes them more responsible and allows them to take decisions quickly. Apps that support the business planning and proper use by field staff lead to acceptance. This is integral to resource management. The need for on-demand mobility solutions is on the rise rather than the devices themselves. Traditional designs of work sheets have been compatible with desktop devices. But now adaptability to the small screen is more empowering, especially to the field staff. The widest benefit from the apps come from the confidence that it can also tap new markets and realign business values globally. Many enterprises in the USA have changed their portfolios with the expansion of digital technologies. With the arrival of mobility, the entire process management haw undergone a sea-change. The data that is derived is responsible for better insights and developing an agile behavior towards the challenges that engulf the natural oil and gas sector. A few of these challenges will continue to be risks but with cognitive capabilities prepare the management.

They relate to:

  1. Research & Development costs for customized solutions
  2. Volatile nature of energy pricing
  3. Production reliability in some basins
  4. Inefficiencies in manufacturing
  5. Safety concerns and compliances (which are very integral to the usage of digital technologies)
  6. Exploration issues in wells that no longer are productive
  7. Replenishment of resources in the productive sectors through automation and mobility
  8. Keeping a regular check on billing processes and contracts of different vendors through an automated system

Naturally, when companies adopt new methods to rise above, they have weathered the storm of volatile issues.

Need for virtual modernization:

Better UX internally is essential to the operations of E & P enterprises keeping in mind safety, ease of navigation (of the app) and faster pace of work. The apps designed work only when the rest of the infrastructure support other compatible digital tools. They need to be in sync with the assignment of equipment and machinery, field resources, billing invoices, monitoring work and updates from the admin and back office. Enterprises that are already using modern technologies with mobility in the oil and gas sector are seeing a visible change in the quality of work and operational efficiency.

There are at least benefits that help the overall businesses if mobility is introduced with immediate effect. 

Adaptability crucial to UX:

Enterprises that help their staff to adapt to app-based solutions succeed more than the others in the transformation of digital technologies. Organizing training programs help the field crew to understand problems in using the apps. On one end of the spectrum, technicians handle design, coding, validation cycles, and testing of the deliverability of apps. On the other hand, if the human resources are not limited to specific solutions, they can add value as users. Business wise, the need to have integrated platforms provide a competitive edge as profits in this sector have reduced due to the depletion of natural energies in the basins. Mobile field resources allow better usage of data onsite. Embracing new systems are vital to reap long-term benefits in the energy sector.

Recently the oil prices have dropped further sending upstream companies into an alarming situation. This is one major reason to have targeted solutions with mobility. The constrains of the environment relate to reduced activity by the pumpers. This simply translates into lesser production and drop in revenues. Mobility in oil and gas field explorations lead to clear data capture with the least amount of human error.